Découvrez les recherches, les histoires et les tendances qui façonnent l'avenir de l'IA.
Self-Supervised Speech Representation Learning: A Review
Self-Supervised Speech Representation Learning: A Review
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing
A Brief Overview of Unsupervised Neural Speech Representation Learning
A Brief Overview of Unsupervised Neural Speech Representation Learning
AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence
MultiQT: Multimodal Learning for Real-Time Question Tracking in Speech
MultiQT: Multimodal Learning for Real-Time Question Tracking in Speech
Association for Computational Linguistic
Machine learning can support dispatchers to better and faster recognize out-of-hospital cardiac arrest during emergency calls: A retrospective study
Machine learning can support dispatchers to better and faster recognize out-of-hospital cardiac arrest during emergency calls: A retrospective study
Resuscitation Journal